Everything About a Roof Insurance Claim

No roofing system in the world lasts its entire lifespan unless regular maintenance is carried out. However, when the damage strikes, it’s essential to know whether to file a roof claim or take care of the damage yourself. If you’re looking for a roof insurance claim service in Kimmel, Indiana, Smith Residential & Commercial Roofing is the best in the business. Give us a call at 260-799-9999 to book an appointment.

Understand Your Insurance Policy:

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As a homeowner, it’s crucial to know and understand all about your insurance policy. The purpose of the insurance, similar to other types of insurance, is to ensure you can get your roof back to its optimal position in the case of an unexpected loss. In exchange for this promise, you pay a monthly or yearly premium fee to return to where you were before the loss occurred. However, it is essential to understand that you cannot aim to make a profit from your insurance company. An insurance company pays for what the product was worth right before the event of loss, rather than when it was new.

As for homeowner roof insurance, you can aim for “replacement cost,” which covers the replacement cost of your roof at the current cost instead of paying what your old roof was worth at the time of your installation. It’s also important to know what losses your insurance policy covers.

What Losses are Covered?

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When considering a loss to your roof, it is usually in the context of water, fire, or storm damage. While water and fire damage is sometimes avoidable, the insurance company might try to minimize the avoidable risk since negligence may be the cause. Hence, if a homeowner’s negligence adds risk to the situation, the insurance company may not cover it.

On the other hand, a roof damaged by a storm is entirely unavoidable, so the rules differ. It’s crucial to know when to file a claim and when to take care of it yourself. For example, if you file too many water damage claims, the company might raise your rate or drop you as a client. This is because this damage can be avoided if the homeowner practices good maintenance. So when you file for actual storm damage, they may not cater to your situation.

Reach out to us:

When damage strikes, sound judgment is required to care for your roof. Whether to file an insurance claim or cater to the loss yourself, it’s essential to consult the right professional. If you’re looking for a roof insurance claim service near Kimmel, Indiana, Smith Residential & Commercial Roofing is a great company to consider. Reach out to us at 260-799-9999.

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